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News & Activities

Stay up to date to what is happening in our industry. We are constantly engaging in building new relationships to consolidate our views and goals for a better, more inclusive environment.


ANRD elects a new Board of Directors for the period 2023-2025

The Association of Shipowners of the Dominican Republic, ANRD, presented its new board of directors for the period 2023-2025 chaired by Jaak Rannik, who expressed his commitment to give continuity to the initiatives of the port shipping sector to promote the sustainable development of the country.


The new board of directors is also made up of Alexander Schad, First Vice President; José Mella, Second Vice President; Francisco Arias, Secretary; Jhonatan Baez, Treasurer; Karsten Paul, Vocal; Ramón Badía, Vocal; Erik Alma, Vocal; Gabriel Rodríguez, Vocal; Gregorio Lora, Vocal; and, Teddy Heinsen, past president.

Event: “Perspectivas económicas 2023”

Event: "Economic Perspectives 2023", which included the participation as Honorary Speaker, Mr. Pavel Isa, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development. Event was held on Monday, November 14, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at the AIRD Business Room, AIRD Tower, 1st floor.


ANRD y la Alcaldía del municipio de Santo Domingo Oeste suscribieron un acuerdo

La Asociación de Navieros de la República Dominicana (ANRD) y la Alcaldía del municipio de Santo Domingo Oeste suscribieron un acuerdo de colaboración comprometiéndose a realizar acciones en conjunto para impulsar el desarrollo sostenible de la comunidad de Haina y fortalecer la logística de la zona.

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